The Most Important Lesson I Learned This Year

The Most Important Lesson I Learned This Year

I hope you & your loved ones are well. The last 3 months have been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for most of us. We’re being pushed to our limits, stretched beyond what we might have thought possible. As the range of emotions 😔 😃 😭 😡 🤪😍😩🥺 happens for us remember to have self-compassion for yourself and others. I wrote this article to remind myself and others to acknowledge all emotions, and process them in a safe way.

Unconditional Permission to Eat…What?

Unconditional Permission to Eat…What?

Let me set the record straight. Following a rigid diet, contrary to popular belief, does not promote a sustainable weight loss or weight maintenance or body acceptance and instead has been linked with weight gain, emotional distress, development of eating disorders, and more! Hence the obsession with being thin and constant restrictions as a path to better health, longevity, and happiness is simply flawed. Yep, you read it right!