Time to Understand Your Cycle 

Hi, my dear readers!

Today’s article is all about understanding your menstrual cycle. Women, just like nature, are cyclical beings, hence we must listen to our internal rhythm. During our cycle, the body goes through a series of hormonal changes which means that structuring our work, relationships, workouts, and food around our cycle is a must if we want to design a life that works for us and not against us. As Alisa Vitti, a women’s hormone expert and author of Woman Code states, “Most diets and fitness recommendations are based on research done on men. If it’s not factoring in your hormones, it's not for you- period (pun intended)."

Our cycles ensure that we do not live static lives. Instead they demand that we live dynamically, constantly exploring the different gifts of feminine power that each portion of our cycle holds. Part of learning the art of being a woman is learning to honour each element of our cycles and ourselves.

- Lucy H. Pearce

Here is a short guide to your internal seasons…

Days 1 to 6 WINTER

(menstruation, yin phase)

The time when you’re bleeding is all about introspection, a time to BE, REST, and RESTORE. Winter is not a time to give to others, but instead to give to yourself.

A great time for self-reflection, journaling, slowing down, taking baths, writing, reading books, being in nature, sleeping a lot, and watching your favourite TV shows.

Hormones: all three sex hormones are at their lowest

Mood: tired, cuddly, introverted, creative, insightful, sensitive, wise, nurturing

Activities: walking, gentle yoga, and napping instead of a hard workout!

WARNING: As Alisa Vitti advises, if you engage in HIT kind of workouts during this phase, you will turn your fat storage hormones on and might gain weight as a result.

Food: eat hearty, slow-cooked, warming meals, sip raspberry leaf tea, tulsi tea, eat magnesium, zinc & iron-rich foods such as kale, mushrooms, beets, and up your protein intake.

Days 7 to 13 SPRING

(pre-ovulation, yang phase, follicular phase)

This is the time when you feel a surge of energy and increased brainpower to accomplish all that you want. This is the perfect time to take action towards your goals and attend social events.

Hormones: estrogen levels are high, testosterone rises, and progesterone levels are at their lowest.

Mood: empowered, creative, sharp, focused, vibrant, energetic, confident, bold.

Activities: cardio (dancing, running, hiking, jumping rope, spin classes), intense workouts (HIT, heavyweights) - in this phase, as Alisa Vitti points out, more intense workouts will help boost metabolism, shed weight, and build lean muscle.

Food: it's the best time to eat carbohydrates as your body is naturally more insulin-sensitive during this period. My fave is overnight oats with loads of seasonal fruit for breakfast and roasted sweet potatoes with plenty of greens for lunch.. Also, include a lot of fermented foods during this stage.

Days 14 to 21 SUMMER

(ovulation, yang phase)

The time when your energy is high and when you have a certain kind of magnetism that makes others desire you. This is also your fertile phase so your sex drive will be at its peak.

A great time for launching big projects, giving work presentations, hosting dinner parties, going on holidays, taking exams, and scheduling a date night.

Hormones: Estrogen is high at the start of the phase but then decreases and progesterone rises.

Mood: flirty, confident, attractive, magnetic, social, expansive, playful.

Activities: lift heavier weights at the gym, engage in HIT, or boot camp-style exercise.

Food: aim for lots of fibre-rich food such as raw or steamed vegetables (especially from the cruciferous family such as cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy), fruit, and gluten-free grains (quinoa, teff, amaranth). Eating high-fiber foods will support estrogen elimination.

Days 22 to 28 AUTUMN

(post-ovulation, yin phase, Luteal phase)

This is ‘me’ time. It’s a great time for an honest re-evaluation of what did and didn’t work that month. It’s not a good time to make commitments or promises.

Hormones: all three sex hormones begin to drop but progesterone should be at its highest at the start of the phase.

Mood: scattered, impatient, inward (you might feel less tolerant and patient and your sensitivity is at its peak. It’s very important to be gentle with yourself during this stage.)

Activities: yoga, pilates, weight lifting, restorative yoga (towards the end of luteal phase)

Food: Processed carbohydrates during this time won’t be well tolerated as your body will be naturally less insulin sensitive. Instead, to curb sugar cravings focus on sweet roasted root vegetables and loads of berries to stabilise sugar and energy. Sip peppermint tea and have slices of organic apples & carrots with seed or nut butter as a snack.

Our bodies are in constant, rhythmic change, but because so much of this is happening beneath our waking consciousness, we can feel out of control, or ‘all at sea’. When we begin to notice the pattern of these cycles, their repetitive nature, their connection to nature beyond us, we can begin to feel not like victims unprepared for the weather, but like adventurers of days gone by, who navigate by nature—the pull of the tides, the placing of the stars and the gathering storm clouds. - Lucy H. Pearce

What to do now:

  • Start charting your cycle using apps such as Period Tracker, MyFLO, Clue, The Daisy, Kindara, Flo, have a little search, and pick the one you like best.

  • Read Alisa Vitti’s book “Woman Code”

  • Sign up for coaching with me to even better understand your cycles and your body.

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P.S. I have an announcement to make... ready?

Dear Friends,

How can we foster self-love despite, well, everything?

I want to offer you a short 21-day course I designed with a dear friend, meditation teacher Jelena. The course will have two enrolment days (1 & 15 August 2020), and it will take you through the building blocks of self-love. The space on the course is limited to a maximum of 15 people so sign up as soon as you see this- it's well worth it. It's only 188 RMB and if you don't see results at the end of it, we’ll be happy to give you a refund.

With love,


Coaching Psychologist and Relationship Coach 

selfgrowthcourses.com thriveinshanghai.com 

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